#/bin/bash # https://stackoverflow.com/a/32708121 # A prompt confirm function. prompt_confirm() { while true; do read -r -n 1 -p "${1:-Continue?} [y/n]: " REPLY case $REPLY in [yY]) echo ; return 0 ;; [nN]) echo ; return 1 ;; *) printf " \033[31m %s \n\033[0m" "invalid input" esac done } # Get array of interfaces interfaces=() for iface in $(ifconfig | cut -d ' ' -f1| tr ':' '\n' | awk NF) do #printf "$iface\n" interfaces+=("$iface") done #echo ${interfaces[@]} echo "${#interfaces[@]} interfaces detected!" # This function prompts the user to select an interface. function determine_interface() { local prompt=$1 #local $INTERFACE_RETURN echo -e "\e[1m$prompt\e[0m" >&2 select INTERFACE_RETURN in ${interfaces[@]}; do prompt_confirm "Select $INTERFACE_RETURN"?; break done printf "$INTERFACE_RETURN" } get_ip() { printf "$(ip -o -4 addr list $1 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d/ -f1)" #"$(ip addr show $1| awk '/inet /{print substr($2,1)}' | awk '{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-3)}')" } INTERNET_FACING_INTERFACE=$(determine_interface "Select the interface that is exposed to the internet:") echo "$INTERNET_FACING_INTERFACE selected as internet facing interface" echo "IP address of $INTERNET_FACING_INTERFACE is $(get_ip $INTERNET_FACING_INTERFACE)" PINEPHONE_FACING_INTERFACE=$(determine_interface "Select the interface that is created by the PinePhone's tether script:") echo "$PINEPHONE_FACING_INTERFACE selected as PinePhone facing interface" echo "IP address of $PINEPHONE_FACING_INTERFACE is $(get_ip $PINEPHONE_FACING_INTERFACE)" echo "Setting IP Tables... (will prompt for password multiple times)" sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $INTERNET_FACING_INTERFACE -j MASQUERADE sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i $PINEPHONE_FACING_INTERFACE -o $INTERNET_FACING_INTERFACE -j ACCEPT echo "IP Tables set!" echo "Attempting to set default route on PinePhone..." echo "NOTE: Due to the fact we're running sudo in ssh without a shell, sudo is unable to hide your password! Make sure no one's looking at your screen before continuing!" ssh sudo -S ip route add default via $(get_ip $PINEPHONE_FACING_INTERFACE) dev usb0; echo "Success!"