# linux57-TkG config file # Generic Desktop #### MISC OPTIONS #### # External config file to use - If the given file exists in path, it will override default config (customization.cfg) - Default is ~/.config/frogminer/linux50-tkg.cfg _EXT_CONFIG_PATH=~/.config/frogminer/linux57-tkg.cfg #### KERNEL OPTIONS #### # Name of the default config file to use from the linux???-tkg-config folder. Arch default is "config.x86_64". _configfile="config.x86_64" # Disable some non-module debugging - See PKGBUILD for the list _debugdisable="false" # LEAVE AN EMPTY VALUE TO BE PROMPTED ABOUT FOLLOWING OPTIONS AT BUILD TIME # Set to "true" to disable FUNCTION_TRACER/GRAPH_TRACER, lowering overhead but limiting debugging and analyzing of kernel functions - Kernel default is "false" _ftracedisable="false" # Set to "true" to disable NUMA, lowering overhead, but breaking CUDA/NvEnc on Nvidia equipped systems - Kernel default is "false" _numadisable="false" # Set to "true" to use explicit preemption points to lower latency at the cost of a small throughput loss - Can give a nice perf boost in VMs - Kernel default is "false" _voluntary_preempt="false" # A selection of patches from Zen/Liquorix kernel and additional tweaks for a better gaming experience (ZENIFY) - Default is "true" _zenify="true" # compiler optimization level - 1. Optimize for performance (-O2); 2. Optimize harder (-O3); 3. Optimize for size (-Os) - Kernel default is "2" _compileroptlevel="1" # Trust the CPU manufacturer to initialize Linux's CRNG (RANDOM_TRUST_CPU) - Kernel default is "false" _random_trust_cpu="false" # CPU scheduler runqueue sharing - No sharing (RQ_NONE), SMT (hyperthread) siblings (RQ_SMT), Multicore siblings (RQ_MC), Symmetric Multi-Processing (RQ_SMP), NUMA (RQ_ALL) # Valid values are "none", "smt", "mc", "mc-llc"(for zen), "smp", "all" - Kernel default is "mc" _runqueue_sharing="mc" # Timer frequency - "500", "750" or "1000" - More options available in kernel config prompt when left empty depending on selected cpusched - Kernel default is "750" _timer_freq="500" #### USER PATCHES #### # You can use your own patches by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .mypatch extension. # You can also revert patches by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .myrevert extension. # Also, userpatches variable below must be set to true for the above to work. _user_patches="true" # Apply all user patches without confirmation - !!! NOT RECOMMENDED !!! _user_patches_no_confirm="false"