#!/bin/bash msg2() { echo -e " \033[1;34m->\033[1;0m \033[1;1m$1\033[1;0m" >&2 } error() { echo -e " \033[1;31m==> ERROR: $1\033[1;0m" >&2 } warning() { echo -e " \033[1;33m==> WARNING: $1\033[1;0m" >&2 } plain() { echo "$1" >&2 } # Stop the script at any ecountered error set -e _where=`pwd` srcdir="$_where" source linux-tkg-config/prepare # Run init script that is also run in PKGBUILD, it will define some env vars that we will use _tkg_initscript if [[ "$_sub" = rc* ]]; then # if an RC version, subver will always be 0 _kernel_subver=0 fi case "$_basever" in "54") opt_ver="4.19-v5.4" ;; "57") opt_ver="5.7%2B" ;; "58") opt_ver="5.8%2B" ;; "59") opt_ver="5.8%2B" ;; "510") opt_ver="5.8%2B" ;; esac _cpu_opt_patch_link="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/graysky2/kernel_gcc_patch/master/enable_additional_cpu_optimizations_for_gcc_v10.1%2B_kernel_v${opt_ver}.patch" source customization.cfg if [ "$1" != "install" ] && [ "$1" != "config" ] && [ "$1" != "uninstall-help" ]; then msg2 "Argument not recognised, options are: - config : shallow clones the linux ${_basekernel}.x git tree into the folder linux-${_basekernel}, then applies on it the extra patches and prepares the .config file by copying the one from the current linux system in /boot/config-`uname -r` and updates it. - install : [RPM and DEB based distros only], does the config step, proceeds to compile, then prompts to install - uninstall-help : [RPM and DEB based distros only], lists the installed kernels in this system, then gives a hint on how to uninstall them manually." exit 0 fi # Load external configuration file if present. Available variable values will overwrite customization.cfg ones. if [ -e "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH" ]; then msg2 "External configuration file $_EXT_CONFIG_PATH will be used and will override customization.cfg values." source "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH" fi _misc_adds="false" # We currently don't want this enabled on non-Arch if [ "$1" = "install" ] || [ "$1" = "config" ]; then if [ -z $_distro ] && [ "$1" = "install" ]; then while true; do echo "Which linux distribution are you running ?" echo "if it's not on the list, chose the closest one to it: Fedora/Suse for RPM, Ubuntu/Debian for DEB" echo " 1) Debian" echo " 2) Fedora" echo " 3) Suse" echo " 4) Ubuntu" read -p "[1-4]: " _distro_index if [ "$_distro_index" = "1" ]; then _distro="Debian" break elif [ "$_distro_index" = "2" ]; then _distro="Fedora" break elif [ "$_distro_index" = "3" ]; then _distro="Suse" break elif [ "$_distro_index" = "4" ]; then _distro="Ubuntu" break else echo "Wrong index." fi done fi if [[ $1 = "install" && "$_distro" != "Ubuntu" && "$_distro" != "Debian" && "$_distro" != "Fedora" && "$_distro" != "Suse" ]]; then msg2 "Variable \"_distro\" in \"customization.cfg\" hasn't been set to \"Ubuntu\", \"Debian\", \"Fedora\" or \"Suse\"" msg2 "This script can only install custom kernels for RPM and DEB based distros, though only those keywords are permitted. Exiting..." exit 0 fi if [ "$_compiler_name" = "llvm" ]; then clang_deps="llvm clang lld" fi if [ "$_distro" = "Ubuntu" ] || [ "$_distro" = "Debian" ]; then msg2 "Installing dependencies" sudo apt install git build-essential kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache bison flex qtbase5-dev ${clang_deps} -y elif [ "$_distro" = "Fedora" ]; then msg2 "Installing dependencies" sudo dnf install fedpkg fedora-packager rpmdevtools ncurses-devel pesign grubby qt5-devel libXi-devel gcc-c++ git ccache flex bison elfutils-libelf-devel openssl-devel dwarves rpm-build ${clang_deps} -y elif [ "$_distro" = "Suse" ]; then msg2 "Installing dependencies" sudo zypper install -y rpmdevtools ncurses-devel pesign libXi-devel gcc-c++ git ccache flex bison elfutils libelf-devel openssl-devel dwarves make patch bc rpm-build libqt5-qtbase-common-devel libqt5-qtbase-devel lz4 ${clang_deps} fi # Force prepare script to avoid Arch specific commands if the user is using `config` if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then _distro="" fi if [[ "$_sub" = rc* ]]; then if [ -d linux-main.orig ]; then rm -rf linux-main.orig fi if [ -d linux-main ]; then msg2 "Reseting files in linux-main to their original state and getting latest updates" cd "$_where"/linux-main git reset --hard HEAD git clean -f -d -x git checkout master git pull git checkout "v${_basekernel}-${_sub}" msg2 "Done" cd "$_where" else msg2 "Shallow git cloning linux kernel master branch" # Shallow clone the past 3 weeks _clone_start_date=$(date -d "$(date +"%Y/%m/%d") - 21 day" +"%Y/%m/%d") git clone --branch master --single-branch --shallow-since=$_clone_start_date https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git "$_where"/linux-main cd "$_where"/linux-main git checkout "v${_basekernel}-${_sub}" msg2 "Done" fi else if [ -d linux-${_basekernel}.orig ]; then rm -rf linux-${_basekernel}.orig fi if [ -d linux-${_basekernel} ]; then msg2 "Reseting files in linux-$_basekernel to their original state and getting latest updates" cd "$_where"/linux-${_basekernel} git checkout --force linux-$_basekernel.y git clean -f -d -x git pull msg2 "Done" cd "$_where" else msg2 "Shallow git cloning linux $_basekernel" git clone --branch linux-$_basekernel.y --single-branch --depth=1 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git linux-${_basekernel} msg2 "Done" fi # Define current kernel subversion if [ -z $_kernel_subver ]; then cd "$_where"/linux-${_basekernel} _kernelverstr=`git describe` _kernel_subver=${_kernelverstr:5} fi fi cd "$_where" msg2 "Downloading Graysky2's CPU optimisations patch" wget "$_cpu_opt_patch_link" # Follow Ubuntu install isntructions in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild # cd in linux folder, copy Ubuntu's current config file, update with new params if [[ "$_sub" = rc* ]]; then cd "$_where"/linux-main else cd "$_where"/linux-${_basekernel} fi msg2 "Copying current kernel's config and running make oldconfig..." cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config if [ "$_distro" = "Debian" ]; then #Help Debian cert problem. sed -i -e 's#CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS="debian/certs/test-signing-certs.pem"#CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS=""#g' .config fi yes '' | make ${llvm_opt} oldconfig msg2 "Done" # apply linux-tkg patching script _tkg_srcprep # source cpuschedset since _cpusched isn't set source "$srcdir"/cpuschedset # Uppercase characters are not allowed in source package name for debian based distros if [ "$_distro" = "Debian" ] || [ "$_distro" = "Ubuntu" ] && [ "$_cpusched" = "MuQSS" ]; then _cpusched="muqss" fi msg2 "Configuration done." fi if [ "$1" = "install" ]; then # Use custom compiler paths if defined if [ "$_compiler_name" = "-llvm" ] && [ -n "${CUSTOM_LLVM_PATH}" ]; then PATH=${CUSTOM_LLVM_PATH}/bin:${CUSTOM_LLVM_PATH}/lib:${CUSTOM_LLVM_PATH}/include:${PATH} elif [ -n "${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}" ]; then PATH=${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}/bin:${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}/lib:${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}/include:${PATH} fi if [ "$_force_all_threads" = "true" ]; then _thread_num=`nproc` else _thread_num=`expr \`nproc\` / 4` if [ "$_thread_num" = "0" ]; then _thread_num=1 fi fi # ccache if [ "$_noccache" != "true" ]; then if [ "$_distro" = "Ubuntu" ] || [ "$_distro" = "Debian" ]; then export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin/:$PATH" elif [ "$_distro" = "Fedora" ] || [ "$_distro" = "Suse" ]; then export PATH="/usr/lib64/ccache/:$PATH" fi export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS="file_macro,locale,time_macros" export CCACHE_NOHASHDIR="true" msg2 'ccache was found and will be used' fi if [ -z $_kernel_localversion ]; then _kernel_flavor="tkg-${_cpusched}${_compiler_name}" else _kernel_flavor="tkg-${_kernel_localversion}" fi if [ "$_distro" = "Ubuntu" ] || [ "$_distro" = "Debian" ]; then if make ${llvm_opt} -j ${_thread_num} deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-${_kernel_flavor}; then msg2 "Building successfully finished!" cd "$_where" # Create DEBS folder if it doesn't exist mkdir -p DEBS # Move rpm files to RPMS folder inside the linux-tkg folder mv "$_where"/*.deb "$_where"/DEBS/ read -p "Do you want to install the new Kernel ? y/[n]: " _install if [[ $_install =~ [yY] ]] || [ $_install = "yes" ] || [ $_install = "Yes" ]; then cd "$_where" if [[ "$_sub" = rc* ]]; then _kernelname=$_basekernel.$_kernel_subver-$_sub-$_kernel_flavor else _kernelname=$_basekernel.$_kernel_subver-$_kernel_flavor fi _headers_deb="linux-headers-${_kernelname}*.deb" _image_deb="linux-image-${_kernelname}_*.deb" _kernel_devel_deb="linux-libc-dev_${_kernelname}*.deb" cd DEBS sudo dpkg -i $_headers_deb $_image_deb $_kernel_devel_deb fi fi elif [[ "$_distro" = "Fedora" || "$_distro" = "Suse" ]]; then # Replace dashes with underscores, it seems that it's being done by binrpm-pkg # Se we can actually refer properly to the rpm files. _kernel_flavor=${_kernel_flavor//-/_} if [[ "$_sub" = rc* ]]; then _extra_ver_str="_${_sub}_${_kernel_flavor}" else _extra_ver_str="_${_kernel_flavor}" fi if make ${llvm_opt} -j ${_thread_num} rpm-pkg EXTRAVERSION="${_extra_ver_str}"; then msg2 "Building successfully finished!" cd "$_where" # Create RPMS folder if it doesn't exist mkdir -p RPMS # Move rpm files to RPMS folder inside the linux-tkg folder mv ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/* "$_where"/RPMS/ #Clean up the original folder, unneeded and takes a lot of space rm -rf ~/rpmbuild/ read -p "Do you want to install the new Kernel ? y/[n]: " _install if [ "$_install" = "y" ] || [ "$_install" = "Y" ] || [ "$_install" = "yes" ] || [ "$_install" = "Yes" ]; then if [[ "$_sub" = rc* ]]; then _kernelname=$_basekernel.${_kernel_subver}_${_sub}_$_kernel_flavor else _kernelname=$_basekernel.${_kernel_subver}_$_kernel_flavor fi _headers_rpm="kernel-headers-${_kernelname}*.rpm" _kernel_rpm="kernel-${_kernelname}*.rpm" _kernel_devel_rpm="kernel-devel-${_kernelname}*.rpm" cd RPMS if [ "$_distro" = "Fedora" ]; then sudo dnf install $_headers_rpm $_kernel_rpm $_kernel_devel_rpm elif [ "$_distro" = "Suse" ]; then msg2 "Some files from 'linux-glibc-devel' will be replaced by files from the custom kernel-hearders package" msg2 "To revert back to the original kernel headers do 'sudo zypper install -f linux-glibc-devel'" sudo zypper install --replacefiles --allow-unsigned-rpm $_headers_rpm $_kernel_rpm $_kernel_devel_rpm fi msg2 "Install successful" fi fi fi fi if [ "$1" = "uninstall-help" ]; then cd "$_where" msg2 "List of installed custom tkg kernels: " if [ "$_distro" = "Ubuntu" ]; then dpkg -l "*tkg*" | grep "linux.*tkg" dpkg -l "*linux-libc-dev*" | grep "linux.*tkg" msg2 "To uninstall a version, you should remove the linux-image, linux-headers and linux-libc-dev associated to it (if installed), with: " msg2 " sudo apt remove linux-image-VERSION linux-headers-VERSION linux-libc-dev-VERSION" msg2 " where VERSION is displayed in the lists above, uninstall only versions that have \"tkg\" in its name" elif [ "$_distro" = "Fedora" ]; then dnf list --installed kernel* msg2 "To uninstall a version, you should remove the kernel, kernel-headers and kernel-devel associated to it (if installed), with: " msg2 " sudo dnf remove --noautoremove kernel-VERSION kernel-devel-VERSION kernel-headers-VERSION" msg2 " where VERSION is displayed in the second column" elif [ "$_distro" = "Suse" ]; then zypper packages --installed-only | grep "kernel.*tkg" msg2 "To uninstall a version, you should remove the kernel, kernel-headers and kernel-devel associated to it (if installed), with: " msg2 " sudo zypper remove --no-clean-deps kernel-VERSION kernel-devel-VERSION kernel-headers-VERSION" msg2 " where VERSION is displayed in the second to last column" fi fi