/**************************************************************************** * NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System * * Software Development Group * * National Center for Supercomputing Applications * * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820 * * mosaic@ncsa.uiuc.edu * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois * * * * NCSA Mosaic software, both binary and source (hereafter, Software) is * * copyrighted by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois * * (UI), and ownership remains with the UI. * * * * The UI grants you (hereafter, Licensee) a license to use the Software * * for academic, research and internal business purposes only, without a * * fee. Licensee may distribute the binary and source code (if released) * * to third parties provided that the copyright notice and this statement * * appears on all copies and that no charge is associated with such * * copies. * * * * Licensee may make derivative works. However, if Licensee distributes * * any derivative work based on or derived from the Software, then * * Licensee will (1) notify NCSA regarding its distribution of the * * derivative work, and (2) clearly notify users that such derivative * * work is a modified version and not the original NCSA Mosaic * * distributed by the UI. * * * * Any Licensee wishing to make commercial use of the Software should * * contact the UI, c/o NCSA, to negotiate an appropriate license for such * * commercial use. Commercial use includes (1) integration of all or * * part of the source code into a product for sale or license by or on * * behalf of Licensee to third parties, or (2) distribution of the binary * * code or source code to third parties that need it to utilize a * * commercial product sold or licensed by or on behalf of Licensee. * * * * UI MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE FOR * * ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * * WARRANTY. THE UI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY THE * * USERS OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * * * By using or copying this Software, Licensee agrees to abide by the * * copyright law and all other applicable laws of the U.S. including, but * * not limited to, export control laws, and the terms of this license. * * UI shall have the right to terminate this license immediately by * * written notice upon Licensee's breach of, or non-compliance with, any * * of its terms. Licensee may be held legally responsible for any * * copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by Licensee's * * failure to abide by the terms of this license. * * * * Comments and questions are welcome and can be sent to * * mosaic-x@ncsa.uiuc.edu. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #ifdef MOTIF /* #include #include "inkstore.h" #include "HTMLP.h" #include #include */ #include #include "inkstore.h" #ifndef VMS #include #include #else #ifndef MULTINET #ifndef SOCKETSHR /* BGT */ #include #else /* BGT */ #include "socketshr_files:types.h" #endif /* BGT */ #if defined(SOCKETSHR) && defined(__DECC) #define __FD_SET 1 #endif /* DEC C V5.2 socket.h conflicts with SOCKETSHR types.h, GEC */ #include #ifdef __SOCKET_TYPEDEFS #define CADDR_T #define __CADDR_T #endif /* Different CADDR_T defs in VMS include files, BSN OK for OVMS 1.5? */ #include #include #ifdef SOCKETSHR /* BGT */ #include "socketshr_files:socketshr.h" #if defined(__DECC) && !defined(__alpha) #undef fprintf #endif /* Avoid possible problems, GEC */ #endif /* BGT */ #else #if defined(__TIME_T) && !defined(__TYPES_LOADED) && !defined(__TYPES) #define __TYPES_LOADED #endif /* Different defs in OpenVMS and MultiNet include files, BSN */ #ifdef __DECC #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE #endif /* DEC C, GEC */ #include "multinet_root:[multinet.include.sys]types.h" #ifdef __DECC #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #endif /* DEC C, GEC */ #include "multinet_root:[multinet.include.netinet]in.h" #endif /* MULTINET - UCX, BSN */ #endif /* VMS, BSN */ #ifdef VMS /* moved here to preclude warning message about caddr_t */ #ifdef __DECC #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE #endif /* DEC C, GEC */ #ifdef __DECC #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #endif /* DEC C, GEC */ #endif /* VMS, GEC for PGE */ #include "HTMLP.h" typedef struct stroke_rec { Boolean draw; int x, y; struct stroke_rec *next; } Stroke; typedef struct jot_rec { Widget w; int width, height; Pixmap pix; Boolean drawing; int last_x, last_y; int min_x, min_y; int max_x, max_y; int stroke_cnt; Stroke *strokes; Stroke *last_stroke; struct jot_rec *next; } JotInfo; #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE extern int htmlwTrace; #endif static JotInfo *JotList = NULL; static JotInfo *JotCurrent = NULL; void NewJot(w, width, height) Widget w; int width, height; { if (JotCurrent == NULL) { JotList = (JotInfo *)malloc(sizeof(JotInfo)); JotCurrent = JotList; JotCurrent->w = w; JotCurrent->width = width; JotCurrent->height = height; JotCurrent->pix = NULL; JotCurrent->drawing = False; JotCurrent->strokes = NULL; JotCurrent->last_stroke = NULL; JotCurrent->stroke_cnt = 0; JotCurrent->min_x = width; JotCurrent->max_x = 0; JotCurrent->min_y = height; JotCurrent->max_y = 0; JotCurrent->next = NULL; } else { JotCurrent->next = (JotInfo *)malloc(sizeof(JotInfo)); JotCurrent = JotCurrent->next; JotCurrent->w = w; JotCurrent->width = width; JotCurrent->height = height; JotCurrent->pix = NULL; JotCurrent->drawing = False; JotCurrent->strokes = NULL; JotCurrent->last_stroke = NULL; JotCurrent->stroke_cnt = 0; JotCurrent->min_x = width; JotCurrent->max_x = 0; JotCurrent->min_y = height; JotCurrent->max_y = 0; JotCurrent->next = NULL; } } JotInfo * GetJot(w) Widget w; { JotInfo *jptr; jptr = JotList; while (jptr != NULL) { if (jptr->w == w) { break; } jptr = jptr->next; } return(jptr); } void FreeStrokes(sptr) Stroke *sptr; { Stroke *tptr; while (sptr != NULL) { tptr = sptr; sptr = sptr->next; tptr->next = NULL; free((char *)tptr); } } void ClearJot(hw, w, width, height) HTMLWidget hw; Widget w; int width, height; { JotInfo *jptr; XClearArea(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), 0, 0, width, height, False); jptr = GetJot(w); if (jptr == NULL) { return; } if (jptr->pix != NULL) { XSetForeground(XtDisplay(w), hw->html.drawGC, hw->core.background_pixel); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), jptr->pix, hw->html.drawGC, 0, 0, jptr->width, jptr->height); } FreeStrokes(jptr->strokes); jptr->strokes = NULL; jptr->last_stroke = NULL; jptr->stroke_cnt = 0; jptr->drawing = False; jptr->min_x = width; jptr->max_x = 0; jptr->min_y = height; jptr->max_y = 0; } void AddStroke(jptr, sptr, drawing) JotInfo *jptr; Stroke *sptr; Boolean drawing; { if (jptr->strokes == NULL) { jptr->strokes = sptr; jptr->last_stroke = jptr->strokes; jptr->last_stroke->next = NULL; } else { jptr->last_stroke->next = sptr; jptr->last_stroke = jptr->last_stroke->next; jptr->last_stroke->next = NULL; } jptr->last_x = sptr->x; jptr->last_y = sptr->y; jptr->drawing = drawing; if (sptr->x < jptr->min_x) { jptr->min_x = sptr->x; } if (sptr->x > jptr->max_x) { jptr->max_x = sptr->x; } if (sptr->y < jptr->min_y) { jptr->min_y = sptr->y; } if (sptr->y > jptr->max_y) { jptr->max_y = sptr->y; } jptr->stroke_cnt++; } void EVJotExpose(w, data, event) Widget w; XtPointer data; XEvent *event; { XExposeEvent *ExEvent = (XExposeEvent *)event; HTMLWidget hw = (HTMLWidget)data; JotInfo *jptr; jptr = GetJot(w); if (jptr == NULL) { return; } if (jptr->pix == NULL) { jptr->pix = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), jptr->width, jptr->height, XDefaultDepth(XtDisplay(w), XDefaultScreen(XtDisplay(w)))); if (jptr->pix == NULL) { return; } XSetForeground(XtDisplay(w), hw->html.drawGC, hw->core.background_pixel); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), jptr->pix, hw->html.drawGC, 0, 0, jptr->width, jptr->height); } XCopyArea(XtDisplay(w), jptr->pix, XtWindow(w), hw->html.drawGC, ExEvent->x, ExEvent->y, ExEvent->width, ExEvent->height, ExEvent->x, ExEvent->y); } void EVJotPress(w, data, event) Widget w; XtPointer data; XEvent *event; { XButtonPressedEvent *BuEvent = (XButtonPressedEvent *)event; HTMLWidget hw = (HTMLWidget)data; JotInfo *jptr; Stroke *sptr; jptr = GetJot(w); if (jptr == NULL) { return; } sptr = (Stroke *)malloc(sizeof(Stroke)); if (sptr == NULL) { return; } sptr->x = BuEvent->x; sptr->y = BuEvent->y; sptr->draw = False; sptr->next = NULL; /* * Without motif we use our own foreground resource instead of * using the manager's */ XSetForeground(XtDisplay(w), hw->html.drawGC, #ifdef MOTIF hw->manager.foreground); #else hw->html.foreground); #endif /* MOTIF */ XDrawPoint(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), hw->html.drawGC, sptr->x, sptr->y); if (jptr->pix != NULL) { XDrawPoint(XtDisplay(w), jptr->pix, hw->html.drawGC, sptr->x, sptr->y); } AddStroke(jptr, sptr, True); } void EVJotMove(w, data, event) Widget w; XtPointer data; XEvent *event; { XPointerMovedEvent *MoEvent = (XPointerMovedEvent *)event; HTMLWidget hw = (HTMLWidget)data; JotInfo *jptr; Stroke *sptr; jptr = GetJot(w); if (jptr == NULL) { return; } if (jptr->drawing == False) { return; } sptr = (Stroke *)malloc(sizeof(Stroke)); if (sptr == NULL) { return; } sptr->x = MoEvent->x; sptr->y = MoEvent->y; sptr->draw = True; sptr->next = NULL; /* * Without motif we use our own foreground resource instead of * using the manager's */ XSetForeground(XtDisplay(w), hw->html.drawGC, #ifdef MOTIF hw->manager.foreground); #else hw->html.foreground); #endif /* MOTIF */ XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), hw->html.drawGC, jptr->last_x, jptr->last_y, sptr->x, sptr->y); if (jptr->pix != NULL) { XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), jptr->pix, hw->html.drawGC, jptr->last_x, jptr->last_y, sptr->x, sptr->y); } AddStroke(jptr, sptr, True); } void EVJotRelease(w, data, event) Widget w; XtPointer data; XEvent *event; { XButtonReleasedEvent *BuEvent = (XButtonReleasedEvent *)event; HTMLWidget hw = (HTMLWidget)data; JotInfo *jptr; Stroke *sptr; jptr = GetJot(w); if (jptr == NULL) { return; } if (jptr->drawing == False) { return; } sptr = (Stroke *)malloc(sizeof(Stroke)); if (sptr == NULL) { return; } sptr->x = BuEvent->x; sptr->y = BuEvent->y; sptr->draw = True; sptr->next = NULL; /* * Without motif we use our own foreground resource instead of * using the manager's */ XSetForeground(XtDisplay(w), hw->html.drawGC, #ifdef MOTIF hw->manager.foreground); #else hw->html.foreground); #endif /* MOTIF */ XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), hw->html.drawGC, jptr->last_x, jptr->last_y, sptr->x, sptr->y); if (jptr->pix != NULL) { XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), jptr->pix, hw->html.drawGC, jptr->last_x, jptr->last_y, sptr->x, sptr->y); } AddStroke(jptr, sptr, True); } char * EJB_JOTfromJot(w) Widget w; { int i, cnt; int dlen, total; u_long val; unsigned char uchar; JotInfo *jptr; Stroke *sptr; unsigned char *data; unsigned char *dptr; unsigned char *buffer; unsigned char *bptr; jptr = GetJot(w); if (jptr == NULL) { return(NULL); } dlen = (2 * sizeof(u_long) + sizeof(char)) * jptr->stroke_cnt; data = (unsigned char *)malloc(dlen); cnt = 0; sptr = jptr->strokes; dptr = data; while ((sptr != NULL)&&(cnt < jptr->stroke_cnt)) { val = htonl((u_long)sptr->x); /* bcopy((char *)&val, (char *)dptr, sizeof(u_long)); */ memcpy((char *)dptr, (char *)&val, sizeof(u_long)); dptr = dptr + sizeof(u_long); val = htonl((u_long)sptr->y); /* bcopy((char *)&val, (char *)dptr, sizeof(u_long)); */ memcpy((char *)dptr, (char *)&val, sizeof(u_long)); dptr = dptr + sizeof(u_long); if (sptr->draw == False) { uchar = 0; } else { uchar = 1; } *dptr++ = uchar; cnt++; sptr = sptr->next; } for (i=cnt; istroke_cnt; i++) { val = 0; /* bcopy((char *)&val, (char *)dptr, sizeof(u_long)); */ memcpy((char *)dptr, (char *)&val, sizeof(u_long)); dptr = dptr + sizeof(u_long); val = 0; /* bcopy((char *)&val, (char *)dptr, sizeof(u_long)); */ memcpy((char *)dptr, (char *)&val, sizeof(u_long)); dptr = dptr + sizeof(u_long); uchar = 0; *dptr++ = uchar; } #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (htmlwTrace) { fprintf(stderr, "Packaging up %d points\n", jptr->stroke_cnt); } #endif cnt = 0; dptr = data; for (i=0; istroke_cnt; dataArray = (MY_INK_POINT *)malloc(dlen); cnt = 0; sptr = jptr->strokes; while ((sptr != NULL)&&(cnt < jptr->stroke_cnt)); { dataArray[cnt].position.x = sptr->x; dataArray[cnt].position.y = sptr->y; dataArray[cnt].buttons = inkPointDefaultButtons; dataArray[cnt].buttons |= flag0; if ((sptr->next != NULL)&&(sptr->next->draw == False)) { } else { dataArray[cnt].buttons |= flag1; } cnt++; sptr = sptr->next; } for (i=cnt; istroke_cnt; i++) { dataArray[i].position.x = 0; dataArray[i].position.y = 0; dataArray[i].buttons = inkPointDefaultButtons; } iptr = (INK_BUNDLE_RECORD *)malloc(inkRecordBundleSize); iptr->header.recordType = inkRecordBundle; iptr->header.recordLength = inkRecordBundleSize; iptr->version = inkPointDefaultVersion; iptr->compactionType = inkNoCompression; iptr->flags = (inkPointDefaultBundleFlags | inkButtonDataPresent); iptr->penUnitsPerX = inkPointDefaultPenUnitsPerX; iptr->penUnitsPerY = inkPointDefaultPenUnitsPerY; pptr = (INK_PENDATA_RECORD *)malloc(inkRecordPenDataSize(dlen)); pptr->header.recordType = inkRecordPenData; pptr->header.recordLength = inkRecordPenDataSize(dlen); pptr->bounds.origin.x = jptr->min_x; pptr->bounds.origin.y = jptr->min_y; pptr->bounds.size.w = jptr->max_x - jptr->min_x + 1; pptr->bounds.size.h = jptr->max_y - jptr->min_y + 1; /* bcopy((char *)dataArray, (char *)pptr->inkData, dlen); */ memcpy((char *)pptr->inkData, (char *)dataArray, dlen); free((char *)dataArray); /* pptr->inkData = dataArray; */ eptr = (INK_END_RECORD *)malloc(inkRecordEndSize); eptr->header.recordType = inkRecordEnd; total = inkRecordBundleSize + inkRecordPenDataSize(dlen) + inkRecordEndSize; buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(total); /* bcopy((char *)iptr, buffer, inkRecordBundleSize); */ memcpy(buffer, (char *)iptr, inkRecordBundleSize); /* bcopy((char *)pptr, (char *)(buffer + inkRecordBundleSize), inkRecordPenDataSize(dlen)); */ memcpy((char *)(buffer + inkRecordBundleSize), (char *)pptr, inkRecordPenDataSize(dlen)); /* bcopy((char *)eptr, (char *)(buffer + inkRecordBundleSize + inkRecordPenDataSize(dlen)), inkRecordEndSize); */ memcpy((char *)(buffer + inkRecordBundleSize + inkRecordPenDataSize(dlen)), (char *)eptr, inkRecordEndSize); free((char *)iptr); free((char *)pptr); free((char *)eptr); *buffer_len = total; return(buffer); } #endif /* MOTIF */