python-project/madlibs/saved stories/generatedStory-27-02-2020-2...

5 lines
977 B

2020-02-27 22:35:09 +07:00
Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time, there were three l pigs. One day, their mother said, "You are all grown up and must l on your own." So they left to l their houses. The first little pig wanted only to l all day and quickly built his house out of Give me a(n) **plural noun**:. The second little pig wanted to l and l all day so he l his house with l. The third l pig knew the wolf lived nearby and worked hard to l his house out of k. One day, the wolf knocked on the first pig's f. "Let me in or I'll a your house down!" The pig didn't, so the wolf e down the v. The wolf knocked on the second pig's q. "Let me in or I'll blow your w down!" The pig didn't, so the wolf r down the house. Then the wolf knocked on the third t pig's door. "Let me in or I'll blow your house down!" The little pig didn't, so the wolf k and l.He could not blow the house down. All the pigs went to live in the l house and they all l happily ever after.
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