Discord Bot works now!

Chloe Fontenot 🏳️‍⚧️ 2019-12-16 22:59:05 +07:00
parent a1066e9850
commit 04d4ff85f7
6 changed files with 57 additions and 39 deletions

@ -12,30 +12,26 @@ import random
import os
import asyncio
async def gameLoop():
# convert the integer to a string because pickiness
StoryCount = str(args.story)
#if statements for ArgSparce
# line 36 fails if args.story reads as "None", so we need to clear that string if it reads as such.
if args.story == None:
exec('args.story = int(0)')
# Set bot presence
await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name='madlibs.py'))
# Introduce yourself
await channel.send("<<madlibsDiscord.py - Written by Caleb Fontenot>>")
await channel.send("Initial project started on July 13, 2019")
await channel.send("Discord Bot started on December 16, 2019")
channel = client.get_channel(656233549837631508)
await channel.send("**<<madlibsDiscord.py - Written by Caleb Fontenot>>**")
await channel.send("Initial project started on **July 13, 2019**")
await channel.send("Discord Bot started on **December 16, 2019**")
# Notify if verbose
if debug == 1:
await channel.send("Debug mode is enabled! Being verbose!")
# Now on to business!
# Load files
f = open('storyCount.txt', 'r')
StoryCount = f.read()
IntStoryCount = int(StoryCount)
await channel.send("Detected "+IntStoryCount+" stories")
async with channel.typing():
f = open('storyCount.txt', 'r')
StoryCount = f.read()
IntStoryCount = int(StoryCount)
await channel.send("Detected "+str(IntStoryCount)+" stories")
# Randomly pick what story we will use
story = random.randint(1, IntStoryCount)
@ -54,18 +50,18 @@ async def gameLoop():
await channel.send(storyNameStr)
# Print current story title, but remove the brackets first
filteredTitle = re.findall(r'<(.*?)>', storyNameStr[story-1])
# print the first result
print("Current story title is", '"'+filteredTitle[0]+'"','\n')
await channel.send("Current story title is "+'"'+str(filteredTitle[0])+'"'+'\n')
# Alright, now onto the tricky part. We need to filter out all of the bracketed words in stories.txt, putting them into a list, replacing them with incremental strings. We also need to count how many there are for later.
# Pull all of the items with the <> brackets
filtered = re.findall(r'<(.*?)>', storyContentStr[story-1])
# We got them!
if debug == 1:
print(filtered, '\n')
await channel.send(str(filtered))
# Now we need to count them
replacedNumber = len(filtered)
@ -74,15 +70,19 @@ async def gameLoop():
replaceList = []
#replaceList =['', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24']
print("Type a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb depending on what it asks you, followed by enter.", '\n')
await channel.send(str("Type a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb depending on what it asks you, followed by enter."))
for loopCount in range(replacedNumber):
replaceVar = input("Give me a(n) "+colored(filtered[loopCount], 'blue')+": ")
#Wait for user to reply
await channel.send("Give me a(n) "+"**"+str(filtered[loopCount])+"**"+": ")
raw_message = await client.wait_for('message')
replaceVar = raw_message.content
print("You gave me: "+replaceVar)
# Run a loop to replace the words
print("Replacing Words...")
await channel.send("Replacing Words...")
# Split the Story Content into a list
storyContentList = re.split(r'<.*?>', storyContentStr[story-1])
@ -94,49 +94,62 @@ async def gameLoop():
storyContentList.insert(x, replaceList[loopCount])
x = x+2
# To get colored words for our output, we need to add the appropiate commands to our variable.
storyContentListColored = re.split(r'<.*?>', storyContent)
x = 0
# Merge lists into a string
generatedStory = ""
generatedStory = generatedStory.join(storyContentList)
# Send Story to Discord
await channel.send(generatedStory)
#Alright! We're done! Let's save the story to a file
now = datetime.now()
currentDate = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S")
saveFile = 'saved stories/generatedStory-'+currentDate
if os.path.exists("saved stories"):
os.system("mkdir \"saved stories\"")
currentDate = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S")
saveFile = 'saved stories/generatedStory-'+currentDate
print("Saving story to .txt file")
file = open(saveFile+'.txt', 'w+')
line_offset = []
offset = 0
for line in file:
offset += len(line)
await channel.send("Saving story to .txt file")
async with channel.typing():
file = open(saveFile+'.txt', 'w+')
line_offset = []
offset = 0
for line in file:
offset += len(line)
file.write('\n'+"Generated by Caleb Fontenot\'s madlibs.py")
#Send generated txt file to Discord
await channel.send("Sending .txt file...")
discordFile = discord.File(saveFile+'.txt', filename="generatedStory.txt")
await channel.send(file=discordFile)
#Setup Discord functions and announce on discord that we are ready
class MyClient(discord.Client):
async def on_ready(self):
print('Logged on as', self.user)
channel = client.get_channel(656233549837631508)
await channel.send("madlibs.py - Discord Edition has successfully connected!")
await channel.send("Run `mad!start` to start a a game")
async def on_message(self, message):
async def on_message(self, message, pass_context=True):
if message.content == 'mad!start':
await asyncio.set_event_loop(gameLoop())
channel = client.get_channel(656233549837631508)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
#await channel.send("Event Loop is currently: "+str(loop))
await channel.send("Done!")
#Run main Game loop

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
MadLib Gameshow
running on down! You're the next contestant on Donald Trump's new gameshow, MadLib! Here's how it works. You will quickly over a can at a rate of 67 mph. After you jump over that item, you will slowly over to the strange potato and press the another potato at the end. odd time wins! Oh. I forgot to introduce our host. He's a quirky person who can't wait to violently in to the show. Please welcome, Tory what is a Proper name! Alright players, on your mark. Get set. huggles! Alright, here goes Katr on the first stage of the competition. And.. WOAH! He just stopped over the thing! That's gonna hurt him tommorow. But it'll be all worth it after he wins the grand prize of 69 dollars! Which he says will go towards Tory Brand stop medicine. Very odd investment, but it's his money! Here he comes around the second leg. AND WOAH, AGAIN HE LOOKS strange 2 ON NETWORK TELEVISION! This is what primetime is all about here on the network of CBS. And, he presses it! He finishes with a time of 4:20 PM. Will that be enough to win? Find out on tuesdayy when Keilah will challenge him for the grand prize. For all of us here at MadLib, good night everyone!
Generated by Caleb Fontenot's madlibs.py