#Let's first check if this script is being run by a frontend or not #print("__name__ is set to", __name__) #if __name__ == '__main__': #print("This script isn't ment to be run by itself! Please run it with either connect4-2D or 3D!") #Import libraries from termcolor import colored #Versioning info print(colored("<>", 'red')) print("~~Experimental Version~~"+'\n') #Setup #setup grid dict grid = {(i, j): None for i in range(7) for j in range(6)} #setup Empty text grid visualGrid = [] visualGridLoop = 7 for loopCount in range(visualGridLoop): visualGrid.append("|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|") visualGrid.append("| | | | | | | |") visualGrid.append("|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|") #print empty text grid for testing purposes x = 0 for loopCount in range(visualGridLoop): print(visualGrid[x]) x = x+1 #Game Loop def gameLoop(): print("Lol what do you want from me?") gameLoop() exit() #manipulating red grid[0, 3] = 'red' print("A single new line of code") exit()