# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Relational # Copyright (C) 2008 Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli # # Relational is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # author Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli import sys import os from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from relational import relation, parser, optimizer, rtypes import about import survey import surveyForm import maingui import compatibility class relForm(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, ui): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.About = None self.Survey = None self.relations = {} # Dictionary for relations self.undo = None # UndoQueue for queries self.selectedRelation = None self.ui = ui self.qcounter = 1 # Query counter self.settings = QtCore.QSettings() def checkVersion(self): from relational import maintenance online = maintenance.check_latest_version() if online > version: r = QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", "New version available online: %s." % online) elif online == version: r = QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", "Latest version installed.") else: r = QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", "You are using an unstable version.") QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Version"), r) def load_query(self, *index): self.ui.txtQuery.setText(self.savedQ.itemData(index[0]).toString()) def undoOptimize(self): '''Undoes the optimization on the query, popping one item from the undo list''' if self.undo != None: self.ui.txtQuery.setText(self.undo) def optimize(self): '''Performs all the possible optimizations on the query''' self.undo = self.ui.txtQuery.text() # Storing the query in undo list query = compatibility.get_py_str(self.ui.txtQuery.text()) try: result = optimizer.optimize_all(query, self.relations) compatibility.set_utf8_text(self.ui.txtQuery, result) except Exception, e: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), "%s\n%s" % (QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), e.__str__())) def resumeHistory(self, item): itm = compatibility.get_py_str(item.text()).split(' = ', 1) compatibility.set_utf8_text(self.ui.txtResult, itm[0]) compatibility.set_utf8_text(self.ui.txtQuery, itm[1]) def execute(self): '''Executes the query''' query = compatibility.get_py_str(self.ui.txtQuery.text()) res_rel = compatibility.get_py_str( self.ui.txtResult.text()) # result relation's name if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(res_rel): QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", "Error"), QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Wrong name for destination relation.")) return try: # Converting string to utf8 and then from qstring to normal string expr = parser.parse(query) # Converting expression to python code print query, "-->", expr # Printing debug result = eval(expr, self.relations) # Evaluating the expression self.relations[ res_rel] = result # Add the relation to the dictionary self.updateRelations() # update the list self.selectedRelation = result self.showRelation(self.selectedRelation) # Show the result in the table except Exception, e: print e.__unicode__() QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), u"%s\n%s" % (QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), e.__unicode__())) return # Adds to history item = u'%s = %s' % (compatibility.get_py_str( self.ui.txtResult.text()), compatibility.get_py_str(self.ui.txtQuery.text())) # item=item.decode('utf-8')) compatibility.add_list_item(self.ui.lstHistory, item) self.qcounter += 1 compatibility.set_utf8_text(self.ui.txtResult, u"_last%d" % self.qcounter) # Sets the result relation name to none def showRelation(self, rel): '''Shows the selected relation into the table''' self.ui.table.clear() if rel == None: # No relation to show self.ui.table.setColumnCount(1) self.ui.table.headerItem().setText(0, "Empty relation") return self.ui.table.setColumnCount(len(rel.header.attributes)) # Set content for i in rel.content: item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem() for j in range(len(i)): item.setText(j, i[j]) self.ui.table.addTopLevelItem(item) # Sets columns for i in range(len(rel.header.attributes)): self.ui.table.headerItem().setText(i, rel.header.attributes[i]) self.ui.table.resizeColumnToContents( i) # Must be done in order to avoid too small columns def printRelation(self, item): self.selectedRelation = self.relations[ compatibility.get_py_str(item.text())] self.showRelation(self.selectedRelation) def showAttributes(self, item): '''Shows the attributes of the selected relation''' rel = compatibility.get_py_str(item.text()) self.ui.lstAttributes.clear() for j in self.relations[rel].header.attributes: self.ui.lstAttributes.addItem(j) def updateRelations(self): self.ui.lstRelations.clear() for i in self.relations: if i != "__builtins__": self.ui.lstRelations.addItem(i) def saveRelation(self): filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", "Save Relation"), "", QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Relations (*.csv)")) filename = compatibility.get_filename(filename) if (len(filename) == 0): # Returns if no file was selected return self.selectedRelation.save(filename) return def unloadRelation(self): for i in self.ui.lstRelations.selectedItems(): del self.relations[compatibility.get_py_str(i.text())] self.updateRelations() def editRelation(self): import creator for i in self.ui.lstRelations.selectedItems(): result = creator.edit_relation( self.relations[compatibility.get_py_str(i.text())]) if result != None: self.relations[compatibility.get_py_str(i.text())] = result self.updateRelations() def newRelation(self): import creator result = creator.edit_relation() if result == None: return res = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "New relation"), QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", "Insert the name for the new relation"), QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal, '') if res[1] == False or len(res[0]) == 0: return # Patch provided by Angelo 'Havoc' Puglisi name = compatibility.get_py_str(res[0]) if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name): r = QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", str("Wrong name for destination relation: %s." % name)) QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), r) return try: self.relations[name] = result except Exception, e: print e QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), "%s\n%s" % (QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), e.__str__())) return self.updateRelations() def closeEvent(self, event): self.save_settings() event.accept() def save_settings(self): # self.settings.setValue("width",) pass def restore_settings(self): # self.settings.value('session_name','default').toString() pass def showSurvey(self): if self.Survey == None: self.Survey = surveyForm.surveyForm() ui = survey.Ui_Form() self.Survey.setUi(ui) ui.setupUi(self.Survey) self.Survey.setDefaultValues() self.Survey.show() def showAbout(self): if self.About == None: self.About = QtGui.QDialog() ui = about.Ui_Dialog() ui.setupUi(self.About) self.About.show() def loadRelation(self, filename=None, name=None): '''Loads a relation. Without parameters it will ask the user which relation to load, otherwise it will load filename, giving it name. It shouldn't be called giving filename but not giving name.''' # Asking for file to load if filename == None: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", "Load Relation"), "", QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Relations (*.csv);;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*)")) filename = compatibility.get_filename(filename) # Default relation's name f = filename.split('/') # Split the full path defname = f[len(f) - 1].lower() # Takes only the lowercase filename if len(defname) == 0: return if (defname.endswith(".csv")): # removes the extension defname = defname[:-4] if name == None: # Prompt dialog to insert name for the relation res = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "New relation"), QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", "Insert the name for the new relation"), QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal, defname) if res[1] == False or len(res[0]) == 0: return # Patch provided by Angelo 'Havoc' Puglisi name = compatibility.get_py_str(res[0]) if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name): r = QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", str("Wrong name for destination relation: %s." % name)) QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), r) return try: self.relations[name] = relation.relation(filename) except Exception, e: print e QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), "%s\n%s" % (QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), e.__str__())) return self.updateRelations() def addProduct(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"*") def addDifference(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"-") def addUnion(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"ᑌ") def addIntersection(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"ᑎ") def addDivision(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"÷") def addOLeft(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"ᐅLEFTᐊ") def addJoin(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"ᐅᐊ") def addORight(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"ᐅRIGHTᐊ") def addOuter(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"ᐅFULLᐊ") def addProjection(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"π") def addSelection(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"σ") def addRename(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"ρ") def addArrow(self): self.addSymbolInQuery(u"➡") def addSymbolInQuery(self, symbol): self.ui.txtQuery.insert(symbol) self.ui.txtQuery.setFocus()