@ -419,12 +419,33 @@ VAddr Thread::GetCommandBufferAddress() const {
void Thread::AddMutexWaiter(SharedPtr<Thread> thread) {
if (thread->lock_owner == this) {
// If the thread is already waiting for this thread to release the mutex, ensure that the
// waiters list is consistent and return without doing anything.
auto itr = std::find(wait_mutex_threads.begin(), wait_mutex_threads.end(), thread);
ASSERT(itr != wait_mutex_threads.end());
// A thread can't wait on two different mutexes at the same time.
ASSERT(thread->lock_owner == nullptr);
// Ensure that the thread is not already in the list of mutex waiters
auto itr = std::find(wait_mutex_threads.begin(), wait_mutex_threads.end(), thread);
ASSERT(itr == wait_mutex_threads.end());
thread->lock_owner = this;
void Thread::RemoveMutexWaiter(SharedPtr<Thread> thread) {
ASSERT(thread->lock_owner == this);
// Ensure that the thread is in the list of mutex waiters
auto itr = std::find(wait_mutex_threads.begin(), wait_mutex_threads.end(), thread);
ASSERT(itr != wait_mutex_threads.end());
boost::remove_erase(wait_mutex_threads, thread);
thread->lock_owner = nullptr;