TkgThingy: Use recursive git pull origin master instead of git submodule update --remote to update submodules.

This should bypass the desynchronization with remote master branches and make updating everything more robust, as it was before the submodules introduction.
Tk-Glitch 2020-07-30 16:21:29 +07:00
parent 50ad92355b
commit 04cbe4bf3e
1 changed files with 6 additions and 1 deletions

@ -136,7 +136,12 @@ _main_loop() {
echo -e "What do you want to do?"
read -rp "`echo $' > 1.Create missing external config files\n 2.Update submodules\n 3.Exit\nchoice[1-3?]: '`" _choice;
if [ "$_choice" == "2" ]; then
git submodule update --remote
#git submodule update --remote
for _tkg_tools in */; do
if [ "$_tkg_tools" != ".git" ]; then
( cd "$_tkg_tools" && git config pull.rebase false && git pull origin master )
elif [ "$_choice" == "3" ]; then
exit 0