@ -52,7 +52,17 @@ def replace_node(replace,replacement):
def recoursive_scan(function,node,rels=None):
'''Does a recoursive optimization on the tree'''
'''Does a recoursive optimization on the tree.
This function will recoursively execute the function given
as "function" parameter starting from node to all the tree.
if rels is provided it will be passed as argument to the function.
Otherwise the function will be called just on the node.
Result value: function is supposed to return the amount of changes
it has performed on the tree.
The various result will be added up and this final value will be the
returned value.'''
#recoursive scan
if node.kind==optimizer.UNARY:
@ -72,11 +82,20 @@ def recoursive_scan(function,node,rels=None):
def duplicated_select(n):
'''This function locates and deletes things like
σ a ( σ a(C)) and the ones like σ a ( σ b(C))'''
σ a ( σ a(C)) and the ones like σ a ( σ b(C))
replacing the 1st one with a single select and
the 2nd one with a single select with both conditions
in and
if n.name=='σ' and n.child.name=='σ':
if n.prop != n.child.prop: #Nested but different, joining them
n.prop = n.prop + " and " + n.child.prop
#This adds parenthesis if they are needed
if n.child.prop.startswith('(') or n.prop.startswith('('):
n.prop= '(%s)' % n.prop